Alberta Cancer Foundation

Brilliance in Our Backyard

Alberta is well known for oil and gas, endless wheat fields, and small rural towns. However, there's a lesser-known narrative unfolding within its borders — one of groundbreaking cancer research, pioneering clinical trials, and medical breakthroughs rivalling the world's best.

In their 2023 annual report, the Alberta Cancer Foundation sought to unveil this story, emphasizing the truly homegrown brilliance behind the province's achievements. Titled "Brilliance in Our Backyard," the report deviated from the expected route of showcasing high-tech equipment and heroic portraits. Instead, it focused on portraying the 'Backyard'—capturing the essence of everyday life in Alberta through evocative photographs* of seemingly ordinary scenes.

These visuals serve as a contrasting backdrop to incredibly compelling stories of excellence and innovation, quietly showcasing brilliant everyday Albertans as if they could be anyone you might pass by on the street. This nuanced approach presents the province’s brilliance as simply inherent, inviting readers to uncover the extraordinary within the unassuming.

The report is designed in a newspaper format, mirroring the commonplace elements of daily life and reinforcing the 'everyday' theme. A low-fi aesthetic seemingly worlds away from the cutting edge of medical research is an intentional juxtaposition. It encourages Albertans to acknowledge the profound impact of their donations, even in the most ordinary corners of their daily experiences.

*Photography by Kaitlin Moerman


Merit | Design | The One Show 2024

Bronze | Design | Strategy Marketing Awards 2024

Best in Show | AdRodeo Anvils 2024

Winner | Public Service/Charity | Applied Arts Design 2024

Winner | Entire Publication Design | Applied Arts Design 2024

Winner | Annual Report| Communication Arts Design 2024

Winner | Annual Report | AdRodeo Anvils 2024

Finalist | Public Service | Communication Arts Design 2024

Silver | Photography Single | AdRodeo Anvils 2024

Silver | Photography Series | AdRodeo Anvils 2024

Silver | Craft Photography | AdRodeo Anvils 2024

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